EUS General Elections

The 2025-26 EUS Elections cycle has officially begun! It is time for you to make your student voice heard. A reminder that any engineering student who has voted in the election is eligible for FREE COFFEE from the Eatery during the voting period! Below is the election timeline, as well as the names of the candidates. Candidate biographies will be uploaded before the election debate.

Election Timeline

  • Nomination Period: February 5 - 13 @ 4PM

  • All Candidates Meeting: February 13 @ 5PM

  • Campaigning Period: March 2 - 14 @ 4PM

  • Candidate Debates: March 6 @ 4PM in the ESC Atrium

  • Voting Period: March 7 - 14 @ 4PM

  • Democracy Sausage*: March 13 @ 12-2PM in the ESC Courtyard

  • Results Announcement: March 14 @ 5PM in the ESC Atrium

* Democracy Sausage is a BBQ that allows any voter to get a FREE HOT DOG!



Humleen Samra

Hi! I’m Humleen, and I’m running to be your next EUS President!

I’ve been your EUS VP Spirit twice, CHBE Sports Rep, Safewalk Supervisor, and have held dozens of EUS positions. I've managed $250,000 and over 500 volunteers, more than any other EUS Executive portfolio! I revived EUS Charity, raising tens of thousands of dollars and collected thousands of food items. I fought the Dean’s Office and won to maintain key events like Old Red New Red. I broke the record for positive in-person E-Week feedback, and I just broke it again. I’ve kept every campaign promise I’ve ever made, and I can’t stop now.

As EUS President, I will:

  • Increase funding for Department and Ex-Officio Clubs, and tie it permanently to CPI to ensure stable funding increases for the future

  • Establish permanent funding for Food Security Initiatives like the Eatery Sandwich Subsidy through in-kind and fiscal sponsorship opportunities

  • Secure more Design Team bay space through targeted Faculty advocacy, send regular updates to Design Team Captains regarding the Professional Activities Fund (PAF) Committee, establish a Design Team Social Fund, and promote Design Team recruitment on EUS Socials and during EUS Orientation (Week E0)

  • Introduce more scholarships and awards by establishing an EUS Endowment fund and working closely with BC SEG to shape the emerging student program’s scholarship offerings

  • Leverage my experience in nightlife to scale up EUS parties through better promotion and operations, and enhance the volunteer community through diverse social events

Visit for more!

Mayank Gupta

Hi! I’m Mayank, the only international student to have been an EUS Exec twice in the EUS’ 100+ year history at a university with nearly 30% international students. From design teams to student councils, from planning events to advocating for student needs, I’ve worked to support and strengthen our community.


As your current EUS VP Academic, I:


As your next EUS President, I will improve the ground-level things that truly need work - inclusivity, transparency, opportunity and collaboration - by:

  • Publishing an annual report on the EUS’ performance to create awareness about EUS activities and impact,

  • Lowering barriers to entry into the EUS, making it easier to get involved in student life,

  • Developing a 3-year strategic plan with program councils, design teams and clubs to improve things long-term,

  • Increasing awareness of funding, and awards to ensure existing opportunities aren’t missed,

  • Strengthening event planning and promotion to boost engagement, especially for large scale traditional events like E-Week and Carolling,

  • Collaborating with captains to ensure design team concerns are part of EUS’ goals - something that has typically been sidelined, and more!


If you’d like to know more, follow @mayank4eusprez on Instagram or find me yapping in the ESC!

VP Academic

Taran Gill

Hello everyone! If you don’t know me, my name is Taran Gill. Some jokingly call me a full-time EUS employee because I’ve spent much of my time volunteering and supporting its many services. Whether it’s making sandwiches at the Eatery, selling merch at Red Sales, bartending at events, or tutoring the first years, I’ve been actively involved in the EUS community.

Beyond these rep roles, I’ve taken on more demanding positions, including Co-Curriculum and Advocacy Director, where I gained deeper insight into how we can effectively advocate for students and drive real change. Through this work, I have collaborated with multiple departments, fostering strong relationships between faculty and student leaders to improve the academic experience at UBC. Next year, I aim to extend this approach to design teams and create more opportunities for these teams to connect with one another and the wider UBC community. Through this, we will be able to address their challenges and ensure their collective concerns are brought to APSC. Alongside advocating for design teams, I hope to give incoming first-year tours of the spaces where design teams operate and help them foster a greater community within engineering here at UBC.

In addition to serving as the EUS VP Academic, I will soon take on a role representing students at the highest level of university governance. With your vote, I will continue pushing for real, actionable change, ensuring that student voices are not only heard but also drive impactful improvements across UBC Engineering.

VP Administration

Sofiya Spolitak

Hey everyone! I’m Sofiya, a 4th-year Electrical Engineering student, and I’m excited to be running for EUS VP Admin! Having previously held this role, I’ve gained valuable experience in managing responsibilities effectively and have identified key areas for improvement.

If elected again, I will continue to enhance the Engineering Student Centre (ESC), making it a space where students feel welcome and comfortable. My priorities include maintaining a clean, safe, and organized environment while making sure that building services and bookings remain well-managed.

Vote Sofiya for VP Admin!

Saige V Mann

Hi! My name is Saige Mann. I’m currently a second year biomedical engineering student and I’ve spent the last academic year working as the second garden manager in EUS history. My personal highlights since being hired in August have been: 

  • Planting and harvesting from our first fall garden 

  • Meeting all the new garden reps and watching our team grow bigger than I had ever hoped

  • Getting to know the Admin portfolio and team via our biweekly meetings 

  • Making connections with the community outside the EUS, including at the UBC botanical gardens and CEME staff


As VP Admin I’d really like to focus on cleaning up the atrium and study rooms of the ESC as well as pushing for sustainability around the building. Action items I have in mind include: 

  • Fixing the outlets

  • Replacing the couches in the atrium 

  • Enforcing clean study rooms  

  • Sitting on the AMS Sustainability Council 

  • Keeping our internal storage organized and continuing the cataloguing process

  • Cataloguing our external storage and looking into ways to permanently increase its’ volume

  • Increasing the garden budget and pushing to expand our jurisdiction with the intention of planting biodiverse perennials 

The ESC as it is currently has stood in its current form for ten years. In celebration I think we should spend our time working towards a cleaner, more organized, building. 

VP Communications

*By-Election Nominations Open until 4pm on March 7th!

VP External

Sara Ye

Hey everyone! My name is Sara Ye, and I’m so excited to be running for VP External! As PP Prez, I’ve had the chance to represent and advocate for the first-year community; now, I want to take that further by strengthening our external relations and creating more opportunities for all engineering students.

One of my biggest goals is improving AMS Council transparency so engineering students know what’s happening and how it impacts us. Good decisions come from having the right information, and I’ll make sure you have access to the key updates that matter. As VP External, I’ll be one of your representatives at AMS, but I know I’m not the only voice that counts. I’ll actively listen to students to ensure I’m representing our community’s needs, not just my own perspective.

I also want to improve design team funding by making the system clearer and more accessible. Sponsorships play a huge role in student opportunities, but right now, things aren’t set up as well as they could be. Expanding the events sponsorship portfolio into a Director role with a proper support team will make sponsorships easier to secure, lowering event costs and making events more accessible.

At the end of the day, I just want to give back to a community that’s given me so much. Let’s make things clearer, stronger, and more connected.

Vote Sara YE for VP External!

VP Finance

Ben Kaufmann

Hey everyone! My name is Ben Kaufmann and I am running to be your next VP Finance for the EUS! You may have seen me around working consistently in Red Sales or the Eatery, or even leading the charge during Carolling this year. In the past several months, I have gotten a far deeper appreciation of the Finance portfolio and would love to be able to give back to the community as much as possible.

My main thing for next year will be to improve transparency and communication to the students. I want to make sure that students know exactly where their money is being spent and how it works to improve their time at UBC. This will be going alongside plans to improve the staples of the ESC that are the Eatery and Red Sales. They are iconic and even just some quality of life changes would go a long way to make them run even smoother.

I want to build off of the great work of those that have come before me and make sure the EUS stays the best society on campus. Thanks for spending time reading this and I hope to get your vote!

VP Spirit

Thomas Follett

Hey everyone, my name is Thomas and I’m excited to be running for VP Spirit this year!

I’ve done pretty much every role in the portfolio (Cairn commander, e-retreat manager, e0 director, e-week director). Now I’m ready to run it.

My plan for next year is to:

  • Run a massive week e0 and e-retreat, get those PPs hyped up for the best 6 years of their life

  • We will have the most cheerful and spirited carolling imaginable. Every first-year floor group chat on campus will be buzzing with confusion. r/UBC will be in flames

  • E-week will be absolutely tremendous. Sky-high numbers, sky-high vibes

    • Old Red New Red will not be dry this time

    • I will personally ensure it doesn’t snow for the entire week

  • Our majestic Cairn will be looking crisper and taller than ever before, a true monument to the Spirit of the Engineers

  • Godiva band will be louder and prouder than your ears can stand

  • We’re going to raise a massive amount for charities through Movember, Pi Week, and blood drives

Please dm me if you have any questions @thomas4vpspirit

You’re only allowed to vote against me if you can beat me in a BOAT race (consistent sub 3)

VP Student Life

Anirudh Devanand

In my 2 years as the Social Director @EUS, I’ve helped organize the craziest parties you've had at the ESC, helping y'all unwind and let loose and I'll be bringing that same energy to my next position. With me as the next VP you'll be seeing a variety of social and sporting events, increased club collaboration, and an engineering community that’s more alive than ever! Look forward to it!