EUS Endorses the "Democratic Process of Constituency Creation" Referendum

Why has the EUS voted to endorse this referendum?

  • Currently, when any School at UBC reaches a population of 1% of the total population of UBC, it will automatically become its own constituency.

  • The School of Biomedical Engineering is nearing this threshold and will surpass it in 2-3 years.

  • The BMEUSA Presidents have made it clear that this is not an outcome that they want.

  • BMEG leaving the EUS would mean:

    • No more EUS Funding for BMEG.

    • No more representation from BMEG on EUS Council and at Student Advisory Council (SAC).

    • No more BMEG participation in E-Week.

Why you should vote yes?

  • Passing this referendum means that Schools at UBC, including BMEG, can vote internally on whether they would like to remain part of their constituency or branch out and create their own.

  • Continued BMEG presence at Department and EUS Events.

  • Continued BMEG involvement in engineering-wide advocacy efforts.


EUS Endorses Christian "CK" Kyle for 2024-25 AMS President

The Engineering Undergraduate Society, all of its Executives, and the Presidents of every Engineering Department Club have unanimously agreed to endorse Christian Kyle (or as we know him, CK) in the 2024 AMS Election.

To put it simply, CK is the beating heart of the EUS and engineering on this campus. In CK’s time as EUS President and two-time Vice President of Spirit he fundamentally changed the society, increasing Volunteer numbers from 50 to over 400, Red sales from 40 in a year to over 100 in a day, achieved the 1st and 2nd all-time best feedback scores in Engineering Week history, successfully pushed the Department of Applied Science to promote 5+ year degrees, and has dedicated himself fully to the Engineers of UBC. This year, we created the Christian “CK” Kyle Award, a multi year achievement award acknowledging exceptional dedication, service and self-sacrifice of an individual. CK has gone above and beyond the call of every role he has held at this university, fundamentally changing the experience of engineering students on this campus.

We believe that CK is not just the best choice in this AMS Election, he is the best candidate to run for AMS President in recent history, and probably history in general. From his Exam Database proposal to his commitment to support for Clubs, Undergraduate Societies, and Resource Groups, CK is the only candidate who has the experience and drive to accomplish his goals and make campus better for all students. He is the only candidate for President who has been elected to represent students in literally any capacity and the only one who has any tangible wins and executed large scale change for students.

We’ve seen everything CK has done for engineers, and we’re confident he’ll be able to do it for the rest of this campus. Voting for CK is voting for real advocacy, campus wide spirit, and someone we know can actually pull it off - that’s what we’ve seen him do for the past 5 years.

Vote CK this AMS Election - not only is he the best candidate, there’s no other choice.

EUS Endorses Ben Du for 2023-24 AMS President

After careful consideration, the Engineering Undergraduate Society has unanimously decided to offer Ben Du our endorsement for the 2023 AMS Election. Ben has a proven track record of support for the EUS and the Engineering Department Clubs as VP Administration and we’re confident in his ability to continue this as AMS President in the coming year.

In the past year, Ben has aided the EUS in finding Eatery subsidies to provide affordable food options for students, included the EUS for the first time ever in AMS Events like his largest Clubs Fair in UBC history, significantly improved spaces bookable by clubs and constituencies in the Nest, and has introduced a full-day orientation conference for executives of every undergraduate society on campus.

The AMS President is able to influence bookings, reimbursements, contracts, and other important aspects of the operations of the EUS as well as the Engineering Department Clubs. The AMS President's willingness and ability to provide this support is the most important service they provide to the EUS and Department Clubs and our endorsement recognizes a severe difference in willingness and ability to do so between the candidates. Friday’s Presidential Debate showed a clear difference between the two candidates when it comes to providing this crucial support .

AMS Elections will be running at the same time as the EUS Election, from Monday to Friday this week. We strongly encourage all UBC Engineers to vote for Ben Du, but more importantly we encourage everyone to carefully read each candidate’s ballot statement, bio, and campaign promises and come to an informed decision when they vote.

2020 Iron Ring Ceremony Update

The EUS is proud to announce resolutions to our concerns around the conduct of Camp 5. The current Interim President, Katherine Westerlund, has written a letter detailing the concerns of the EUS and the resolution moving forward.

A brief summary: A different group is running the Iron Ring Ceremony this year. Several changes have been made to the Ceremony’s agenda to add positive remarks. A task force is being established for long term Camp and Ceremony renewal. All the logistical details about the Iron Ring Ceremony (location, time etc.) remain the same.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the many years of people who fought for these changes. Our Iron Ring ceremony has been fundamentally changed for the better and will finally be reflective of the celebratory occasion it represents.

Iron Ring Ceremony Update on Concerns with Camp 5

For the past three years the EUS has been a part of ongoing conversations surrounding concerns and issues at the Camp 5 Iron Ring Ceremony. We have continually received feedback that a specific part of the event, prior to the ceremony, has not be inclusive to all members of our community. This year that issue was brought into focus at a briefing session with the upcoming attendees. The EUS felt increasing concern about the upcoming ceremony and took part in an Open Letter to Camp 5 surrounding these concerns. This can be read here:

Statement on the Professional Governance Act

The EUS Board of Directors recognizes the importance of the consultation being done by the provincial government on the Professional Governance Act and the active role that Engineers and Geoscientists BC have taken in ongoing advocacy on behalf of the profession. We stand with Engineers and Geoscientists BC in their efforts and we hope that the government will hear our concerns about the review.