PP Council Elections
PP Council is your First Year Council, run by PPs for PPs. PP Council enhances the First Year experience, from events to teams to academic advocacy. Read below to learn about your PP Council candidates.
Presenting this year’s PP Council …
Sara Ye
Vice President
Michelle Zhang
Academic Rep
Callum Chan
Social Coordinator
William White
Sports and Charity Representative
Khushaan Virk and Hannah Piatek
Vantage Representative
Zhanming Sun
Social Media and Graphics Representative
Susana Phuong and Katrina Warren
Vanessa Chapman
Alina Huang
Congratulations to this year’s PP Council!
The Legend of the PPs
So why are First Years called PPs? Although we don’t know for sure, we have a pretty good guess that reached us in a form of The Legend of the PPs.
Back in the day, when the old Cheeze Factory was the gathering place of UBC engineers, all decisions of the society were made during weekly tEUSday meetings. Departments spoke in alphabetical order, and to keep first years in the last spot, they were referred to as ZZs. First years obviously thought that it was unfair, but could not do much about it for some time.
However, these meetings operated in a somewhat democratic way, which meant that votes were won by whoever was the loudest. One day, enough ZZs rallied together and passed a motion to rename themselves AAs. This left upper years quite upset, so they banded together and passed a motion declaring that tEUSday meetings would be held in reverse alphabetical order. This carried on back and forth until it was decided that the first years could be called whatever they wanted. Somehow, this ended in the name PP, which stuck.
Today, the president of PP Council sits on the EUS Council, meaning they have a vote on the EUS Council. Although there is no official policy regarding the order of speaking, PPs present their updates after all department clubs.
The President leads PP Council - they are the official spokesperson of all first years, they sit on EUS Council and the AMS First Year Committee, and they supervise the PP Councillors.
Vice President
The Vice President supports the president, and takes on special projects. They are responsible for coordinating the PP E-WEEK team, and making sure the PP Chariot and Ball Model are up to scratch!
Academic Rep
The Academic Rep works alongside the EUS VP Academic to improve the academic experience of the First Year class. They represent the PPs alongside the President at Grand Council and other academic meetings.
Social Coordinator
The Social Coordinator is - as you could probably guess - responsible for social events! They strive to enhance student life and the social environment for the PPs. They sit on the EUS events committee, and meet with the social/events coordinators of Department & Ex-O clubs.
Sports & Charity rep
Sports & Charity Reps oversee sports and charity events and services, from coordinating PP UBC REC and EUS interdepartmental teams to coordinating PP involvement in EUS charity events like Blood Drives or Movember.
Vantage Rep
Our Vantage Reps focus on the academic and social interests of Vantage One Engineering students. They’re responsible for getting Vantage students engaged & involved with PP Council (and the EUS!)
Social Media & Graphics Reps
Social Media and Graphics reps are responsible for promotion and communication regarding all events and services of the PP Council - they maintain the PP Council Instagram and other socials, create posters, and make the PP Slipstick (yearbook) pages.
The Treasurer is responsible for the money! This means recording all expenditures by PP Council, maintaining the PP Council budget, copying and submitting receipts to the EUS VP Finance, and keeping PP Council up to date with its financial status.
The Secretary is responsible for internal affairs; room bookings for meetings, taking and submitting PP Council minutes, and keeping PP policy up-to-date.